Wednesday, August 4, 2010

History of the Maine Cabin

Back in 1965 when I was 14 years old, my brothers were finishing summer break from college when Mom came in and announced we were going on vacation THAT DAY and we had to decide where we were going...Minnesota ( where my Dad was from) or Maine (because she had vacationed there as a child and wanted to see if she could find Lily Pond where her family had caught the biggest fish ever). We quickly decided on Maine...a new adventure for all. Now you must also know that we never took vacations because we were a military family and our vacations were usually spent traveling across country to new duty stations. This was our we jumped in the car...Mom, Dad, Wick, Frank, Dave, myself and of course Scampy, our beloved fox terrier. We drove all day and finally hit Portland. We turned inland to find the perfect lake. As we drove down Rt 302 I could not figure out why we passed so many cute little hotels but we finally settled on a little hotel by a stream. The owner told us to check out some rentals but most were already taken. There was a three day opening at a little cabin by Thomas pond but it was not available for another 3 days so we headed North to find Lily Pond. We ended up at Moosehead Lake. Being farther north it was much colder, which meant the water was fun to swim there. We unanimously decided to go back where we had been earlier and forgo the northern adventure. But during the two days we were there we did search for Lily Pond. It was nowhere to be found...the elusive pond. Everafter if someplace or thing could not be found we would refer to it as a "Lily Pond".
We returned to Thomas Pond where we finished our vacation. Now here I must say that we had no phone or television. We did have a radio, deck of cards, and lots of books. It was fun to get away from all civilization for two weeks of the year.
We returned to Thomas Pond every year. In 1971 my husband and I honeymooned in Maine...a gift from my Mom and Dad. The following year my parents bought the little red cabin so that all of their children could have a place to vacation each year and take their pets (so often rentals don't allow pets). It became our vacation spot. In the midst of all our moves the cabin became a place of stability for our children. When my oldest son got married he told his wife-to-be...we can honeymoon in Maine and I will get you a super nice diamond ring or we can do a fancier honeymoon and get a lesser ring. She responded "let's go to Maine". And now they continue the Maine experience with their 3 children.
In 2000 the cabin was updated to a real house with a dishwasher, wash machine and dryer. Yes we do have a TV(3) and a phone. We no longer wash our hair in the lake or get our water from a spring but it is the place we dream all year of going. We wouldn't miss it.
I write this in memory of my Dad who loved our cabin and loved being together with his family. I look at the Lake and I see you smiling. I love you forever. All my Love, Sallie

Monday, August 2, 2010

Vacation in Maine

Here we are in much cooler Maine. It is 70s and below. The lake water is crisp and refreshing. Bill and Jimmy are fishing to put dinner on the table. And yes I am sewing. Mom bought a Brother embroidery machine for the cabin so there are no excuses. I have discovered a new world of sewing...quilting. I know I am a little slow to find this new venue but I always thought it might be something I like with my love of math. At home I just finished my first quilt heirloom quilt. Up here I am working on a Barn quilt by Eleanor Burns. It is so much fun to piece together. I made the big barn yesterday. I have to go to the store to buy some backing to applique a windmill. Here is picture of my big red barn.
And yes I continue to sew for the kiddies, too. I made William his jammie pants which fit perfectly...need to finish the tops before he gets here this weekend. Always something to sew...never a dull minute!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

New Windows

Today we got 16 new windows in our house. They were much needed and look great! But this meant that we had to pull everything from around our windows...hence my sewing room was completely rearranged, even the garage was cleaned out, as well as the kitchen. I guess this is our way of spring cleaning.

The minute the guys were done with the windows I quickly put my sewing room back in place. Tomorrow I am taking a class and I need to cut out my pattern tonight. I love it when a pattern comes with individual sizes and I don't have to trace and cut out the pattern before I cut the material.

I did go out and mow the lawn with my refurbished lawn mower. I love to mow. I now feel like I have accomplished something while sweating off some pounds. Don't all fitness conscious people want to be outside smelling the fresh smell of new cut grass!

Amelia (6), my dear friend Jane's granddaughter, came to visit me yesterday and we swam for about two hours. We had a great time! Well today my back is a bit tender from a sunburn...that tingly feel, almost a fresh sensation.  ( I met Jane back in 1974 when my oldest was 6 mos. old and her oldest was 18 mos. We remained friends through the years and now we both live in Charleston. We only wish we saw more of each other but lunch once a month is always a treat with phone calls thrown in.)

One week from today we head to Maine...I can hardly wait. I just wish all my kids could be there. Maybe next year! 

Monday, July 19, 2010

Later July 19th

I did it!! I finished a couple jammie bottoms for Wm and also completed a shirt outfit for Eleanor (top and shorts). I know many will find this hard to believe but Eleanor informed me on her last visit that she does wear pants now and her wardrobe also extends to colors besides pink. Now she did say her favorite colors are blue and orange now.  (Aunt Sallie informed me that is because Eleanor's Dad has brainwashed her since those are UVA's colors.) I am just glad to be using other colors now...I am liberated!!

July 19

Here we are this Monday morning. I have decided to cut back on our energy bill by turning down the airconditioning today in most of our rooms. I am sure the guys will complain when they come home but maybe our electric bill will come down. Of course since I am at that "special" age with hot flashes every other minute I will probably be the one to suffer...go figure!
We are headed to Maine next Wed. so time is fleeting. I am supposed to be getting new windows anyday now and next week...a new kitchen. Lots going on but right now we are just in that waiting game. We will probably go to Maine and come home to a new kitchen...sounds nice.
I am trying to decide which things I am taking with me to sew up and complete. I am getting psyched to start quilting. I went to a quilt guild meeting and now have been bitten by the quilt bug.
Today I will finish Wm's jammies and a shirt for Eleanor. I have a dress I have to make for Ginger and a dress for Clara for the wedding. Lots to do and "sew" little time. I will report in at the end of the day to tell you if I accomplished what I set out to do today. Love to all, Daisy

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

July 7, 2010

Today was a sewing day. I decided to finish an heirloom quilt I started a year ago. I thought I had made 8 of 12 blocks but I had only made six. So today I did two more blocks. Both of these used lace shaping which is always fun. First there was a diamond shape and then a heart shape. Behind the shapes you add an extra piece of material with tucks on one and  double needle pintucks on the other. I am now down to four squares. I am on a roll. I need to put an initial in the middle of the quilt...I guess it will be an "N" for Nold. Or perhaps I should put a design that is not committal. This a solid white quilt with cream accents. It is my first quilt ever.

It was also a Costco day. They have the best meats and fruits. We came home with berries of all sorts and lots of things for some interesting meals. Yes, I do cook! And Eleanor is making me cook healthy. Tonight we had chicken and broccoli. Yum!!

Bill (my husband), Jimmy (my youngest), and I are watching our favorite movie..."What about Bob!".

Goodnight all!!

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

June 2010

June was quite a month! We kept my son's 3 children while he and his wife took a cruise out of Charleston. The kids are 7,5, and 8 mos. We were worried about the pool but the kids were great. They went swimming at least twice a day and became very good at jumping off the diving board. Going from the pool to the hot tub was also fun but it was so hot we only did that once. Even the baby went in the pool and didn't even flinch when she was splashed with water.
My sewing was put on hold for their week. But before they arrived I had made Eleanor,7, a flowergirl's dress for my nephew's upcoming wedding. Everyone who saw it thought it looked too long but it fit her perfectly when she put it on. I was thrilled. I made it out of silk dupioni in white with three tucks on either side of the center front bodice. Down the center I embroidered one of Martha Pullen's IEC embroideries from her christening collection. The bottom has three tucks. I still need to hem it and put on the buttonholes. I am a little nervous about doing the buttonholes for fear of ruining the dress with the last step. I shall be brave and get it done tomorrow. I bought a watermelon bow to go around the waist from David's Wedding shop. It is the bride's color choice for the bridesmaids. Eleanor is so excited to be included in this event. This is her second time being a bridesmaid. Her first was in 2008 at Danny and Susan's wedding. She was only 3 at the time and did a great job. She is 7 now but says she will be so glad to turn 8! Oh to be young again!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Getting started

I am Daisy and I sew for my grandkids. I am the mother to 4 sons and 1 daughter who continue to bring me so much joy. But while I sewed for my daughter when she was young, I didn't really get involved in heirloom sewing until Eleanor (my 1 st grandchild) came along in 2003. Up until then I had used a 1972 Elna but in 2004 my sewing world blossomed with a Brother sewing machine that did embroidery.

***That 2004 Oct. my Mother called to say she had gone to The Sewing Expo in Chantilly, VA. She had been a caretaker for her own Mother and after she passed my Mother became a full time nurse to my Father. She never went to dinner or movies or even thought of doing for herself. So when she said she had splurged on a new sewing machine for herself, I was ecstatic. Her guilt at having spent so much money was too much to bear so the next day she called me and announced she felt better about her purchase because today she had bought me a Brother sewing machine as well. Now it was something we could share. (That Christmas she also bought one for my daughter.)***

And so the journey began...